I want to blog
But I am too tired.
And lazy.
I want to sleep liao, cannot blog properly.
Later write "half-cooked" entries...
Good nite, and oh yes...
Happy Birthday to me~~!!
A 30-something's rants and raves...
But I am too tired.
Had Dim Sum for lunch today.
Dim Sum Dollies?? Yikes! Who is the geeky girl behind them?
From left: Eunice, Catherine, Gwen, me (Lao Fu Zi, wahahahaha~~), and Lilian.
Lilian, dun worry so much. You look pretty in the photo, unlike the geek behind you...
See, no photoshop needed. Save me trouble too~~
The geek with a fairy~~~
Su Peng and me.
To see the whole set of photos, click here.
He was waiting at the bus stop.
A lot has happened in the past week.
I read today's newspapers with anticipation
My birthday is coming.
Picture taken from http://disneyland.disney.go.com
You dun think I'd be going alone, right?
I may even pick one of you to accompany me.
I pick USA, because that's where Mickey Mouse is born.
France, Japan, Hong Kong or anywhere else, are all imitations.
Right now I can only see Mickey's house in pictures...
3. An Omega watch.
Picture taken from http://www.omega.ch
Oh, I gotta have it.
A real dress watch.
Plain, simple and nice.
I like this particular one because Cindy Crawford looks gorgeous with it.
Well, hers is a gold one with diamonds bezel.
See, I very kind to you, right? Only asking for a stainless steel one with NO diamonds.
4. A dinner date with Pierce Brosnan.
Picture taken from http://movies.yahoo.com
Oh man, is he dreamy or what?
I love him as Remington Steele, and then as James Bond.
I will love him more if he is my dinner date!
Oh yes, he has to pay for everything, alright?
And he has to pick me up and take me home, ok?
Thank you very much, my friends and colleagues,
Thank you for remembering my birthday.
I never had so much fun blogging, especially this entry.
And I especailly searched the web for this pictures.
I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it.
Don't bother getting me the car, or the trip, or the watch...
Although a date with a drop-dead gorgeous man would be nice... :-)
Not milk powder, silly.
Sunday afternoon.
Honest Carrie's Used Cars.
Well, from the name, you know that Carrie isn't very honest at all.
Anyhow, it's the Sims that will get cheated, not me. Wahahaha!!
Sombody's Backyard - Crime Scene!!
I am scrolling thru the city, and come across this.
There is no such thing in SC3K, so this is new to me, and refreshing!
The reason there is a crime scene is that Mayor, GOD (Ahem, that's me...) simply refuse to build a police station in the city!
Wonder who got killed??!!?
Jez Knight Acres.
I have a pleasant surprise when I zoned a piece of land for agriculture.
This cute little moo-moo farm appears!!
Long live Mayor Fiona!!