Somebody told me today
Somehow it strike a chord in me.
The last time someone said the exact same words to me was, like centuries ago,
When Dad started working.
I was harping about nobody fetching me to and from school.
I was only 8 or 9 years old then.
We needed the money... And there was Adrain Lim in my neighbourhood.
(As you might recall, Adrain is the physco who killed 2 children and tossed one of them in a suitcase, and the other under a tree, naked.)
Anyway, I have to improve.
I will do better.
I will act my age. :-P
So? I will still do what I like. Who cares?
My horoscope today:
"Stop pretending you dun know how charming you've been.
You know exactly how it's affecting others.
Your mission is to hold back as much as possible, as you will also know you'll be taking prisoners under unfair conditions."
Har? Obviously I am not as charming as the guy will appeared on the front page of every major newspaper in Singapore.
Yup, the person of XX charity, with XX tap in XX bathroom, taking a XX salary and XX months of bonus.
EVERYBODY is talking about him and his charity...
Wah! Free advertisement lei...
Dun get me wrong, I am NOT jealous.
Just that I have nothing much to say...
I just dun believe much in charities.
(Probably, I am sore about not getting any, when I needed it.)
And I have never dialed a 1900 number before...
I didn't give a single cent to the 'cause'.
H*ll, I can't even feed myself... Charity??
I had a lousy day in the office.
Guess everybody else felt it.
Everything is just not going well.
Well, now that I am already grown up,
I must learn to solve problems, and not give problems.
So easy to say, so difficult to do.
Big brother, sister, uncle, auntie, ANYBODY? Help!!!
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