Tuesday, October 26, 2004


My Horoscope today:
"Fear fades away in moments of joy."
Eh? What? Is the first thing that comes to mind.
Fear? Nooo… Stress is more like it.
So stressed that I am eating meat and chocolates everyday.
And all the food seems to go nowhere.
I am like a baby, I get hungry every four hours!!?!
Ok, make that three and a half hour…
Of course, I dun need to be fed, I can feed myself, thank you.

Yesterday I was in a certain pharmacy, browsing.
A promoter approached me; she seems quite helpful,
So I asked her questions on a beauty product I have been eyeing.
After that I decided not to buy.
She offered: "You have oily skin, can I recommend a cleanser?"
I mumbled some reply to decline, and started to leave.
"How about slimming pills?"
She asked as I was leaving.
I froze for a moment.
Am I that FAT?
Gosh! I feel so sad….
Maybe I should turn at her and ask sweetly, "Does it kill?
Because, you are better off killing me, saying I am fat!"
But I just walked out of the shop, PRETENDING nothing happened.

** Joy and love on this happy day. **

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