Simcity 4 Screenshots
Sunday afternoon.
I am playing my brand new PC game, enjoying myself tremendously.
I get to play Mayor (read : GOD).
Heehee... I create mountains and valleys, trees and animals.
Like, that is not enough.
I get to dictate where my Sims work, live, play...
* Sims are the tiny little characters in the game.

Busy Flea Markets.
This is a low-density commerical area. Busy, busy...
Notices the Sims walking around aimlessly.
Oh dear, better create something better for them to do...
To the Sims (In my most authoritative voice) : Go read books in the library!!
--> By reading, adult Sims will increase their education and find better jobs.
Right, only happen in simulation.
Honest Carrie's Used Cars.
Well, from the name, you know that Carrie isn't very honest at all.
Anyhow, it's the Sims that will get cheated, not me. Wahahaha!!
Sombody's Backyard - Crime Scene!!
I am scrolling thru the city, and come across this.
There is no such thing in SC3K, so this is new to me, and refreshing!
The reason there is a crime scene is that Mayor, GOD (Ahem, that's me...) simply refuse to build a police station in the city!
Wonder who got killed??!!?
Jez Knight Acres.
I have a pleasant surprise when I zoned a piece of land for agriculture.
This cute little moo-moo farm appears!!
Long live Mayor Fiona!!
1 Two-cents-worths:
Who says hits will only go up with nude pics? U have frens like me who reads regularly ok?!! Although nude pics of yourself will make me come in more often...hahahahaha
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