Good citizen / girl
I went reluctantly to the Post Office to pay my taxes.
No, I did not use the Giro thingy.
I pay the full amount, one shot, the whole thing. No Oh-tang.
Geez... Big hole in my pocket.
See? I good citizen or not?
Always pay my taxes on time.
BTW, is it just me, or I am paying more this year?
When I complained about the rising amount,
Daddy said, "Good, I want to see the amount increasing, it shows you are earning more!"
H*ll, you are not the one paying...!!
You also complain about the electricity bill, water bill, phone bill what!!!
(My dad pays those.)
Better not let the IRAS hear this.
Went shopping afterwards.
I was looking for a TRIBAND mobile phone WITHOUT camera.
We are not allowed to take cameras to our workplace.
Security issues.
Don't ask.
So, as a good girl I always is,
I dutifully went to look for a mobile phone that meets my requirements.
Of course, being Singaporean, the phone has to be cheap and good too.
Where to find?
I dunno.
There is NOKIA 3120, I think,
Which is a triband phone, without camera, and $0 upgrade.
Great! I found it. I want.
I dun like phones that need to be "open up" and "close up", like those cute cute samsung phones.
True, they are smaller in size, but I dun like it. Period.
So, I asked for one.
"Miss, that phone is currently out of stock."
"Is new stock coming in soon?" I asked.
"Let me check," my ever friendly attentant said, as she typed feverishly on the keyboard, and peered at the monitor screen.
"I dun think so, as that model is coming to the end of line soon. Sorry miss."
So disappointed! After making up my mind, I never get what I want.
Perhaps I had waited too long.
That phone has been around for like... One year, and it is "end of line"?
D*mn, they churned out phones faster that you can say "Moo~~!"
Neh-mind. I give up.
I am not going to buy another phone, until my current one (which is a 6610, minus the "i", ok? No camera!)
Decides to retire, or beg to be buried.
1 Two-cents-worths:
Of course, now you can pay your income tax. You juz got your promotion and big fat increment....
Is it coincidence....????? Same time to pay tax and get salary increase.
My dear friend, it's a ZERO SUM GAME in Singapore.
What comes into your left pocket goes out from the right pocket. Is like what goes to your mouth have to come out from the ass.
Nakita Le Femme
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