Saturday was a fine day
I was reading some of my blog entries from a year ago, and realized that my English was much better then. Humf!
I can’t even write a decent entry now. Think I am slowly losing my language ability... Help!

It was a pretty fine day.
Not very hot, not raining either.
Makes a very good day for shopping.

Lunch first.
We chose a quaint Chinese Dim Sum restaurant.
Dim Sum is our all time favourite.
Har Kow, Siew Mai are something we cannot do without.
Hehe, yummy, yummy!

Shopping after lunch.
We scored the departmental store, twice.
Yeah, typical Singaporeans, always on the lookout for bargains.
By the way, I almost bought another laptop bag.
I already have 3 of them.
I am such a sucker for bags...
In the end, I just settle for some electrical plug extensions and DVD.
I spotted something in one of the shops.
It sells DIY materials, where you can choose a base, stick some characters on it, and an option to include the names or whatever message on it.
I was so drawn to it that I couldn’t resist putting together something for my brother.
It features a heart-shaped base, with a wooden bench in the middle, and a pair of bride and groom sitting on it.
Yeah, my brother is getting married... Hehe.
Shhh... It was supposed to be a secret.
So, sorry, no photo in this blog.

Anyhow, what better way to rest those tired feet than with a warm cup of Teh-C?
I was also on a lookout for LCD, a replacement for my 15” CRT.
Desktop or laptop?
My desktop was already 6 years old, and the CRT has decided to call it a day.
However, I am quite reluctant to give it up, because it is still running on Windows 98 (yeah, Windows 98, it was that long ago), and has lots of my “previous” version of software in it.
Dipping into my Fiona’s Buy-a-LCD fund, soon.
Any lobang??