Pirates of the Chinatown Complexes
I went treasure a-hunting today.
Around Chinatown area.
Guess what? There are at least 4 beadshops in People’s Park Centre alone.
A real beader’s heaven...

Check out my treasure.
I have got cloisonnés, bone beads, glass pearls in different sizes (my favourite), matte round beads, ready-made bear-shaped pendants (tot that will make very good, "quick to make" gifts), and assorted findings for necklaces and bracelets.
I did my homework. I know where to get the best prices for the stuff I want.
Or where to get a particular finding that I need.
Today I feel like I am the happiest person in the whole world.
Wait till I see my bank account balance... :-P
1 Two-cents-worths:
I went fireworks shopping
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