Thursday, June 30, 2005

Late Nights

Sorry about the lag.
I haven't been blogging a lot lately...
At least not on this site.
Hee... hee...
Like I have so many other blog sites to contribute.

Lately I have also been sleeping late.
My new toy, Ibm-y, (pronouned i-bee, wahahaha!) it has been taking up much of my time.
There is just so many programs to install.
Man, I am going to burst the harddisk!!

Simcity 4, a brand-new game I bought.
A brand new game for a brand new laptop.
Fancy playing games on a laptop!
Well, I have no other machine that fits the minimum requirements.

TV shows. Desperate housewives and CSI.
Aired on Mondays and Tuesdays respectively.
Mmm... Cheeky housewives and handsome forensics...

Work. That's a bomber...
Yeah, work is also making me sleep late too, like tonight.
Went home at around 9pm.
I really hope that it is only for these few weeks.

I want my life back!

Moving on to happier things...
I got a call from my "brother" today.
OMG, I miss him so much, especially his car.
He drives a Mazda 6, you know,
The bright chilli red kind...
It is enough to make my mouth water, now that I got my driving license...
Wish to get my hands behind the wheel...
* Rubbing both palms together.

Owning a car to me is like a dream.
Toto, toto, just let me win once, big big, ok?

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