New breed of aunties
After my episode with the auntie in the Matrix,
I really have no patience with aunties at all.
Scene 1
On a crowded bus, I was standing.
Duh, no seats lah.
When the bus is approaching a stop, the auntie seated shove my behind,
So that she could squeeze in front of me and alight first.
Alas, the bus has to stop at a junction,
So yours truly has to contort myself in a awkward manner, just to accommodate the auntie in front.
At last the door opens, and the auntie alights.
She then slowly makes her way to the MRT station.
What the ...?
If you have so much time, why do you have to squeeze to get off the bus first?
Is the bus going to explode if you don't get off within XX seconds??
Scene 2
MRT train station platform.
After the train doors open.
Different auntie makes a beeline for the escalator.
She manages to step on the moving stairs on the right first,
And she just stood there!!
The commuters are unable to walk past this auntie at all.
You know singaporeans, we are sometimes too polite to ask.
So all of us are patiently standing on the moving stairs...
Hello~~! The right of the escalator is for people who are really in a hurry,
And wishes to walk down / or up the escalators.
Not efficient at all.
These aunties should be sent for further studies on social economics.
How to behave properly in public places...
2 Two-cents-worths:
a 30-sth looking for love and a driving license. you sound like my kind of gal.. haha.. i'm 27, love-less (not really looking) n driving license-less. haha.
Well, if you are 27, love-less n driving license-less, which means you are not ready and doesn't own a car, you sound like NOT my type of guy. Sorry!
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