Saturday, March 26, 2005

About cars

Recently I have referred to certain cars as stupid.
Dun get me wrong.
I still luv the four wheeled thingy...
I will ogle at a VW new beetle anytime.
Since young, I have been playing with matchbox and corgi toy cars,
Though some of them are hands-me-downs from my cousins.
My dad knew I luv anything with wheels...
And I hardly played with dolls.

Sometimes I wondered why I took me so long to start.
Learn driving, I mean.
I was like, hey, I dun have a car, can't afford one, why learn?
Till one of my colleague ta-boleh tahan, and drove me to the driving centre.
This was the little push I need.

Okay, I am still feeling sore about the driving test.
And it is very painful on my pocket.
Haiz~~~ Nvm, already done, gotta get over it.
Happy tots, happy tots!!

Will be going shopping later.
Make that WINDOW-shopping!
I dun have much $$$ to spent anyway,
Though at the back of my mind, there is always the credit card...
Hey, who pays the bill at the end of the month? Me!!!!
Geez, better leave the d*mn cards at home... :-(

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