I love Monday mornings...
No, I am not a workaholic.
Just happens that I scheduled a driving lesson every monday...
So hooked to the lessons, that I even DREAM I am driving...
Huh~~~ Bonkers!!!
Today's lesson is on U-turns...
Tried out every U-turn along the test routes.
Wide ones, narrow ones, slope ones, ....!!
Got the ex-colleague instructor.
We are good friends liao, but when it comes to the lesson :-(
"Hold on to your clutch!"
"Step on the oil!"
"Change gear! Your gear dragging already!"
Geez!! Am I really THAT bad?
I realised later that some other students are also behaving the same way.
Am not trying to console myself,
Jus tot that I am an average student.
Christmas is coming~~~
Actually I really need to do a few things:
1. Get a new haircut, before the Chinese New Year.
2. Buy new underwear. Mmm...
3. Buy a new dress for a colleague's wedding.
4. Get a new PC.
I am still running on P2, 350Mhz, from 4 years ago.
That's about it.
Think some more and the list will grow longer...
D*mn! Where am I going to get all that cash?!
Maybe I should just send Santa my wish list.
I have been really good this year, think he will oblige?
I'm DREAMING of a white christmas~~~
Yeah, Just carrying on dreaming.
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