Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hills and race queens

I managed to conquer Mt Faber and Bukit Timah
All in under 30 mins...
How? Easy...
Just step on the gas
Release the clutch till the bonnet rise up,
Signal, check blind spot, and release the handbrake!
Sheesh! What do you think I was talking about??!!?

Yeah, driving lessons on monday morning.
It was a public holiday...
The streets are almost deserted, so I had a easy time cutting in and out of lanes....
No problem!
Where got problem one?
"I can do!!" is my attitude nowadays.

What do cars and women have in common?
Mmm... Sexy curves, soft silky leather and a lot of purrs!
Plus a little bit of temper, sometimes...
I visited the motorshow 2004...
Lots of fast cars; and attractive race queens!
There is a particular hyge crowd at the Alfa Romeo booth
Where perched on a attractive alfa red convertible, is an equally attractive "italian" model, in a super low cut dress, show off her ample bosom...
Guess what?
The floor is wet and slippery too,
With all the drool from men! Wahahahaha!!
I have to say, I really admire the shape of cars to come, and also the courage of the models and race queens...

As what Janice Wong said, "I think I will stick to writing!"

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